Connecticut Representative, Senator and Congressperson Representative, Senator and Congressperson by Town Source: Andover Rep. Green of the 55th Senator Cassano of the 4th Courtney of the 2nd Ansonia Rep. Rochelle of the 104th Senator Cabrera of the 17th Delauro of the 3rd Ashford Rep. Nuccio of the 53rd Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Avon Rep. Kavros DeGraw of the 17thRep. Exum of the 19th Senator Witkos of the 8th Hayes of the 5th Barkhamsted Rep. Anderson of the 62nd Senator Witkos of the 8th Larson of the 1st Beacon Falls Rep. Klarides-Ditria of the 105th Senator Cabrera of the 17th Delauro of the 3rd Berlin Rep. Veach of the 30thRep. Abercrombie of the 83rd Senator Lopes of the 6th Larson of the 1st Bethany Rep. Zupkus of the 89th Senator Cabrera of the 17th Delauro of the 3rd Bethel Rep. Allie-Brennan of the 2ndRep. Harding of the 107th Senator Kushner of the 24thSenator Haskell of the 26th Hayes of the 5th Bethlehem Rep. Wilson of the 66th Senator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th Bloomfield Rep. Gibson of the 15th Senator McCrory of the 2ndSenator Slap of the 5th Larson of the 1st Bolton Rep. Green of the 55th Senator Cassano of the 4th Courtney of the 2nd Bozrah Rep. Ryan of the 139th Senator Formica of the 20th Courtney of the 2nd Branford Rep. Scanlon of the 98thRep. Comey of the 102nd Senator Cohen of the 12th Delauro of the 3rd Bridgeport Rep. Baker of the 124thRep. Stallworth of the 126thRep. Hennessy of the 127thRep. Rosario of the 128thRep. Stafstrom of the 129thRep. Felipe of the 130th Senator Moore of the 22ndSenator Bradley of the 23rd Himes of the 4th Bridgewater Rep. Harrison of the 69th Senator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th Bristol Rep. Pavalock-D’Amato of the 77thRep. Betts of the 78thRep. Ziogas of the 79th Senator Martin of the 31st Larson of the 1st Brookfield Rep. Harding of the 107th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Brooklyn Rep. Boyd of the 50th Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Burlington Rep. Piscopo of the 76th Senator Slap of the 5th Hayes of the 5th Canaan Rep. Horn of the 64th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Canterbury Rep. Dubitsky of the 47th Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Canton Rep. Kavros DeGraw of the 17th Senator Witkos of the 8th Hayes of the 5th Chaplin Rep. Dubitsky of the 47th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Cheshire Rep. Zupkus of the 89thRep. Fishbein of the 90thRep. Linehan of the 103rd Senator Daugherty Abrams of the 13thSenator Sampson of the 16th Hayes of the 5th Chester Rep. Palm of the 36th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Clinton Rep. Goupil of the 35th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Colchester Rep. Haines of the 34thRep. Smith of the 48th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Colebrook Rep. Case of the 63rd Senator Witkos of the 8th Larson of the 1st Columbia Rep. Ackert of the 8th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Cornwall Rep. Horn of the 64th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Coventry Rep. Ackert of the 8th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Cromwell Rep. Carpino of the 32nd Senator Lesser of the 9th Larson of the 1st Danbury Rep. Allie-Brennan of the 2ndRep. Harding of the 107thRep. Callahan of the 108thRep. Arconti of the 109thRep. Godfrey of the 110thRep. Gucker of the 138th Senator Kushner of the 24th Hayes of the 5th Darien Rep. Wood of the 141stRep. Blumenthal of the 147th Senator Duff of the 25thSenator Miller of the 27th Himes of the 4th Deep River Rep. Palm of the 36th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Derby Rep. Rochelle of the 104thRep. Klarides-Ditria of the 105thRep. Welander of the 114th Senator Cabrera of the 17th Delauro of the 3rd Durham Rep. Candelora of the 86thRep. Parker of the 101st Senator Cohen of the 12thSenator Cicarella of the 34th Delauro of the 3rd East Granby Rep. Zawistowski of the 61st Senator Kissel of the 7th Larson of the 1st East Haddam Rep. Haines of the 34th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd East Hampton Rep. Haines of the 34th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd East Hartford Rep. Rojas of the 9thRep. Genga of the 10thRep. Currey of the 11th Senator Anwar of the 3rd Larson of the 1st East Haven Rep. Lemar of the 96thRep. Zullo of the 99th Senator Cicarella of the 34th Delauro of the 3rd East Lyme Rep. Cheeseman of the 37th Senator Formica of the 20th Courtney of the 2nd East Windsor Rep. Foster of the 57thRep. Hall of the 59th Senator Anwar of the 3rd Larson of the 1st Eastford Rep. Boyd of the 50th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Easton Rep. Hughes of the 135th Senator Hwang of the 28th Himes of the 4th Ellington Rep. Foster of the 57th Senator Anwar of the 3rdSenator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Enfield Rep. Arnone of the 58thRep. Hall of the 59th Senator Kissel of the 7th Courtney of the 2nd Essex Rep. Palm of the 36th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Fairfield Rep. Leeper of the 132ndRep. McCarthy Vahey of the 133rdRep. Devlin of the 134th Senator Hwang of the 28th Himes of the 4th Farmington Rep. Exum of the 19thRep. Demicco of the 21st Senator Slap of the 5thSenator Lopes of the 6th Hayes of the 5th Franklin Rep. Dubitsky of the 47th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Glastonbury Rep. Doucette of the 13thRep. Barry of the 31st Senator Cassano of the 4th Larson of the 1stCourtney of the 2nd Goshen Rep. Case of the 63rdRep. Horn of the 64th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Granby Rep. Anderson of the 62nd Senator Kissel of the 7thSenator Witkos of the 8th Larson of the 1st Greenwich Rep. Fiorello of the 149thRep. Meskers of the 150thRep. Arora of the 151st Senator Fazio of the 36th Himes of the 4th Griswold Rep. Lanoue of the 45th Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Groton Rep. Conley of the 40thRep. de la Cruz of the 41st Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Guilford Rep. Candelora of the 86thRep. Scanlon of the 98th Senator Cohen of the 12th Delauro of the 3rd Haddam Rep. Palm of the 36th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Hamden Rep. Elliott of the 88thRep. D’Agostino of the 91stRep. Porter of the 94th Senator Looney of the 11thSenator Cabrera of the 17th Delauro of the 3rd Hampton Rep. Dubitsky of the 47th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Hartford Rep. Ritter of the 1stRep. Gonzalez of the 3rdRep. Concepcion of the 4thRep. Khan of the 5thRep. Vargas of the 6thRep. Hall of the 7th Senator Fonfara of the 1stSenator McCrory of the 2nd Larson of the 1st Hartland Rep. Anderson of the 62nd Senator Witkos of the 8th Larson of the 1st Harwinton Rep. Piscopo of the 76th Senator Witkos of the 8thSenator Martin of the 31st Hayes of the 5th Hebron Rep. Green of the 55th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Kent Rep. Horn of the 64th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Killingly Rep. Dauphinais of the 44thRep. Hayes of the 51st Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Killingworth Rep. Goupil of the 35th Senator Cohen of the 12th Courtney of the 2nd Lebanon Rep. Dubitsky of the 47thRep. Smith of the 48th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Ledyard Rep. Conley of the 40thRep. France of the 42nd Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Lisbon Rep. Lanoue of the 45thRep. Dubitsky of the 47th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Litchfield Rep. Wilson of the 66thRep. Piscopo of the 76th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Lyme Rep. Carney of the 23rd Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Madison Rep. Parker of the 101st Senator Cohen of the 12th Courtney of the 2nd Manchester Rep. Rojas of the 9thRep. Currey of the 11thRep. Luxenberg of the 12thRep. Doucette of the 13th Senator Cassano of the 4th Larson of the 1st Mansfield Rep. Smith of the 48thRep. Haddad of the 54th Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Marlborough Rep. Green of the 55th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Meriden Rep. Quinn of the 82ndRep. Abercrombie of the 83rdRep. Santiago of the 84th Senator Daugherty Abrams of the 13th Hayes of the 5th Middlebury Rep. Pizzuto of the 71st Senator Hartley of the 15thSenator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th Middlefield Rep. Quinn of the 82nd Senator Daugherty Abrams of the 13th Delauro of the 3rd Middletown Rep. Chafee of the 33rdRep. Williams of the 100th Senator Lesser of the 9thSenator Daugherty Abrams of the 13th Larson of the 1stDelauro of the 3rd Milford Rep. Ferraro of the 117thRep. Smith of the 118thRep. Kennedy of the 119th Senator Maroney of the 14th Delauro of the 3rd Monroe Rep. Scott of the 112th Senator Kelly of the 21stSenator Moore of the 22nd Himes of the 4th Montville Rep. McCarty of the 38thRep. France of the 42ndRep. Ryan of the 139th Senator Osten of the 19thSenator Formica of the 20th Courtney of the 2nd Morris Rep. Wilson of the 66th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Naugatuck Rep. Rebimbas of the 70thRep. Labriola of the 131st Senator Hartley of the 15thSenator Cabrera of the 17th Delauro of the 3rd New Britain Rep. Petit of the 22ndRep. Sanchez of the 24thRep. Sanchez of the 25thRep. Tercyak of the 26th Senator Lopes of the 6th Hayes of the 5th New Canaan Rep. O’Dea of the 125thRep. Dathan of the 142nd Senator Haskell of the 26thSenator Fazio of the 36th Himes of the 4th New Fairfield Rep. Callahan of the 108thRep. Gucker of the 138th Senator Kushner of the 24th Hayes of the 5th New Hartford Rep. Anderson of the 62nd Senator Witkos of the 8th Larson of the 1st New Haven Rep. Dillon of the 92ndRep. Walker of the 93rdRep. Porter of the 94thRep. Candelaria of the 95thRep. Lemar of the 96thRep. Paolillo of the 97thRep. McGee of the 116th Senator Winfield of the 10thSenator Looney of the 11th Delauro of the 3rd New London Rep. Nolan of the 39thRep. de la Cruz of the 41st Senator Formica of the 20th Courtney of the 2nd New Milford Rep. Buckbee of the 67thRep. Callahan of the 108th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Newington Rep. Sanchez of the 24thRep. Turco of the 27thRep. Wood of the 29th Senator Lesser of the 9th Larson of the 1st Newtown Rep. Allie-Brennan of the 2ndRep. Bolinsky of the 106thRep. Scott of the 112th Senator Hwang of the 28th Hayes of the 5th Norfolk Rep. Horn of the 64th Senator Witkos of the 8th Hayes of the 5th North Branford Rep. Candelora of the 86th Senator Cohen of the 12th Delauro of the 3rd North Canaan Rep. Horn of the 64th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th North Haven Rep. Yaccarino of the 87th Senator Looney of the 11thSenator Cicarella of the 34th Delauro of the 3rd North Stonington Rep. Howard of the 43rd Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Norwalk Rep. Perone of the 137thRep. Simms of the 140thRep. Wood of the 141stRep. Dathan of the 142ndRep. Thomas of the 143rd Senator Duff of the 25th Himes of the 4th Norwich Rep. Riley of the 46thRep. Dubitsky of the 47thRep. Ryan of the 139th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Old Lyme Rep. Carney of the 23rd Senator Formica of the 20th Courtney of the 2nd Old Saybrook Rep. Carney of the 23rd Senator Formica of the 20thSenator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Orange Rep. Welander of the 114thRep. Ferraro of the 117thRep. Kennedy of the 119th Senator Maroney of the 14th Delauro of the 3rd Oxford Rep. Labriola of the 131st Senator Berthel of the 32nd Himes of the 4th Plainfield Rep. Dauphinais of the 44thRep. Lanoue of the 45th Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Plainville Rep. Petit of the 22nd Senator Martin of the 31st Hayes of the 5th Plymouth Rep. Betts of the 78th Senator Martin of the 31st Hayes of the 5th Pomfret Rep. Boyd of the 50th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Portland Rep. Carpino of the 32nd Senator Needleman of the 33rd Larson of the 1st Preston Rep. France of the 42nd Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Prospect Rep. Zupkus of the 89th Senator Sampson of the 16th Delauro of the 3rd Putnam Rep. Hayes of the 51st Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Redding Rep. Allie-Brennan of the 2ndRep. Hughes of the 135th Senator Haskell of the 26th Himes of the 4th Ridgefield Rep. Berger-Girvalo of the 111thRep. Gucker of the 138th Senator Haskell of the 26th Himes of the 4th Rocky Hill Rep. Wood of the 29th Senator Lesser of the 9th Larson of the 1st Roxbury Rep. Harrison of the 69th Senator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th Salem Rep. Cheeseman of the 37th Senator Formica of the 20th Courtney of the 2nd Salisbury Rep. Horn of the 64th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Scotland Rep. Dubitsky of the 47th Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Seymour Rep. Klarides-Ditria of the 105th Senator Kelly of the 21stSenator Berthel of the 32nd Delauro of the 3rd Sharon Rep. Horn of the 64th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Shelton Rep. Perillo of the 113thRep. McGorty of the 122nd Senator Kelly of the 21st Delauro of the 3rdHimes of the 4th Sherman Rep. Callahan of the 108th Senator Kushner of the 24th Hayes of the 5th Simsbury Rep. Hampton of the 16th Senator Witkos of the 8th Hayes of the 5th Somers Rep. Vail of the 52nd Senator Kissel of the 7th Courtney of the 2nd South Windsor Rep. Currey of the 11thRep. Delnicki of the 14th Senator Anwar of the 3rd Larson of the 1st Southbury Rep. Harrison of the 69thRep. Labriola of the 131st Senator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th Southington Rep. Veach of the 30thRep. Mastrofrancesco of the 80thRep. Fusco of the 81stRep. Linehan of the 103rd Senator Sampson of the 16th Larson of the 1st Sprague Rep. Dubitsky of the 47th Senator Osten of the 19th Courtney of the 2nd Stafford Rep. Vail of the 52nd Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Stamford Rep. Delany of the 144thRep. Paris of the 145thRep. Michel of the 146thRep. Blumenthal of the 147thRep. Fox of the 148thRep. Fiorello of the 149th Senator Miller of the 27thSenator Fazio of the 36th Himes of the 4th Sterling Rep. Lanoue of the 45th Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Stonington Rep. Howard of the 43rd Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Stratford Rep. Young of the 120thRep. Gresko of the 121stRep. McGorty of the 122nd Senator Kelly of the 21stSenator Bradley of the 23rd Delauro of the 3rd Suffield Rep. Zawistowski of the 61st Senator Kissel of the 7th Courtney of the 2nd Thomaston Rep. Piscopo of the 76th Senator Martin of the 31st Hayes of the 5th Thompson Rep. Hayes of the 51st Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Tolland Rep. Ackert of the 8thRep. Nuccio of the 53rd Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Torrington Rep. Case of the 63rdRep. Horn of the 64thRep. Cook of the 65th Senator Witkos of the 8thSenator Miner of the 30th Larson of the 1stHayes of the 5th Trumbull Rep. McGorty of the 122ndRep. Rutigliano of the 123rdRep. Devlin of the 134th Senator Moore of the 22nd Himes of the 4th Union Rep. Boyd of the 50th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Vernon Rep. Ackert of the 8thRep. Winkler of the 56th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Voluntown Rep. Lanoue of the 45th Senator Somers of the 18th Courtney of the 2nd Wallingford Rep. Mushinsky of the 85thRep. Candelora of the 86thRep. Fishbein of the 90thRep. Linehan of the 103rd Senator Cicarella of the 34th Delauro of the 3rd Warren Rep. Wilson of the 66th Senator Miner of the 30th Hayes of the 5th Washington Rep. Harrison of the 69th Senator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th Waterbury Rep. Pizzuto of the 71stRep. Butler of the 72ndRep. Napoli of the 73rdRep. DiGiovancarlo of the 74thRep. Reyes of the 75th Senator Hartley of the 15thSenator Sampson of the 16th Delauro of the 3rdHayes of the 5th Waterford Rep. McCarty of the 38th Senator Formica of the 20th Courtney of the 2nd Watertown Rep. Polletta of the 68th Senator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th West Hartford Rep. Gilchrest of the 18thRep. Exum of the 19thRep. Farrar of the 20th Senator Slap of the 5th Larson of the 1st West Haven Rep. Borer of the 115thRep. McGee of the 116thRep. Ferraro of the 117th Senator Winfield of the 10thSenator Maroney of the 14th Delauro of the 3rd Westbrook Rep. Carney of the 23rdRep. Goupil of the 35th Senator Needleman of the 33rd Courtney of the 2nd Weston Rep. Hughes of the 135th Senator Haskell of the 26thSenator Hwang of the 28th Himes of the 4th Westport Rep. Steinberg of the 136thRep. Thomas of the 143rd Senator Haskell of the 26thSenator Hwang of the 28th Himes of the 4th Wethersfield Rep. Morrin Bello of the 28thRep. Wood of the 29th Senator Fonfara of the 1stSenator Lesser of the 9th Larson of the 1st Willington Rep. Nuccio of the 53rd Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd Wilton Rep. O’Dea of the 125thRep. Thomas of the 143rd Senator Haskell of the 26th Himes of the 4th Winchester Rep. Case of the 63rd Senator Miner of the 30th Larson of the 1st Windham Rep. Smith of the 48thRep. Johnson of the 49th Senator Flexer of the 29th Courtney of the 2nd Windsor Locks Rep. Garibay of the 60th Senator Kissel of the 7th Larson of the 1st Windsor Rep. Khan of the 5thRep. Gibson of the 15thRep. Garibay of the 60thRep. Zawistowski of the 61st Senator McCrory of the 2ndSenator Kissel of the 7th Larson of the 1st Wolcott Rep. Mastrofrancesco of the 80th Senator Sampson of the 16th Hayes of the 5th Woodbridge Rep. Welander of the 114th Senator Maroney of the 14thSenator Cabrera of the 17th Delauro of the 3rd Woodbury Rep. Wilson of the 66thRep. Polletta of the 68th Senator Berthel of the 32nd Hayes of the 5th Woodstock Rep. Boyd of the 50th Senator Champagne of the 35th Courtney of the 2nd TAKE ACTION → Connecticut Health Freedom Is Working To Protect Freedom Of Access To Alternative Health Care In Connecticut We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It Almost there ….. We need your help !!! Get Involved